Advocacy & Policy


ALPHA advocates for sound public health policy and actions to positively affect the health and well-being of Alaskans. Policy issues are identified by review of bills and budgets in the state legislature, by members, and by the input or request of partner organizations. ALPHA focuses on state legislative issues but is also involved in local issues, non-legislative state issues (regulations, ballot initiatives, etc), Alaska Native issues, and federal issues.


The Health Policy committee conducts an analysis of the public health policy issue to determine the position and involvement of ALPHA. Issues are prioritized by determining if ALPHA has a Resolution or the American Public Health Association has a Policy Statement on the issue, and by considering the impact of the policy to the population, the scope of the precedent set by the policy, the likelihood of success, and the financial and personnel capacity of ALPHA to address the issue.

Taking Action

ALPHA uses a combination of advocacy strategies to communicate our position on issues. ALPHA testifies, meets with and writes letters to policy makers, educates the membership and public, participates in community organizing and actively participates with coalitions addressing selected issues. 


ALPHA communicates its health advocacy positions to encourage its members to become involved. Please contact your elected representatives and share your and ALPHA’s position on public health policy issues. Your input helps shape policy for a healthy Alaska. If you testify on bills during work hours, be certain to follow your employers’ ethics guidelines.